This test API module provides methods exposed by the os-autoinst backend to be used within tests.
Many methods define a timeout parameter which can be scaled by setting the
variable in the test settings which are read by the isotovideo
process. The scale parameter can be used based on performance of workers to
prevent false positive timeouts based on differing worker performance.
os-autoinst is used in the openQA project. For more information on how to use openQA, please visit
This subroutine is used to by several subroutines dealing with mouse clicks to calculate a clickpoint, when only the needle area is available. It takes the area coordinates and returns the center of that area. It is meant to be a helper subroutine not available to be used in tests.
Used for internal initialization, do not call from tests.
Set distribution object.
You can use distribution object to implement distribution specific helpers.
video output handling
Saves screenshot of current SUT screen.
Record a soft failure on the current test modules result. The result will
still be counted as a success. Use this to mark where workarounds are applied.
Takes a $reason
string which is recorded in the log file. See
to forcefully override a failed test module status from
a post_fail_hook
or record_info
when the status should not be
record_info($title [, $output] [, result => $result] [, resultname => $resultname]);
record_info('workaround', "we know what we are doing");
Record a generic step result on the current test modules. This is meant for
informational purposes to be interpreted by a displaying system. For example
openQA can show a info box as part of the job results details. Use this
instead of record_soft_failure
for example when you do not want to mark the
job as a softfail. The optional value $result
can be 'ok' (default),
'fail', 'softfail'. $resultname
can be specified for the additional name
tag on the result file.
Similar to record_soft_failure
but can be used to override the test module
status to softfail from a post_fail_hook
if the module would be set to fail
otherwise. This can be used for easier tracking of known issues without
needing to handle failed tests a lot.
assert_screen($mustmatch [, [$timeout] | [timeout => $timeout]] [, no_wait => $no_wait]);
Wait for needle with tag $mustmatch
to appear on SUT screen. $mustmatch
can be string or ARRAYREF
of string (['tag1', 'tag2']
). The maximum
waiting time is defined by $timeout
. It is recommended to use a value lower
than the default timeout only when explicitly needed. assert_screen
is not
very suitable for checking performance expectations. Under the normal
circumstance of the screen being shown this does not imply a longer waiting
time as the method returns as soon as a successful needle match occurred.
Specify $no_wait
to run the screen check as fast as possible that is
possibly more than once per second which is default. Select this to check a
screen which can change in a range faster than 1-2 seconds not to miss the
screen to check for.
Returns matched needle or throws FailedNeedle
exception if $timeout timeout
is hit. Default timeout is 30s.
check_screen($mustmatch [, [$timeout] | [timeout => $timeout]] [, no_wait => $no_wait]);
Similar to assert_screen
but does not throw exceptions. Use this for optional matches.
Check assert_screen
for parameters.
Unlike assert_screen
it is recommended to use the lowest possible timeout
to prevent needless waiting time in case no match is expected behaviour. In
general a value of 0s for the timeout should suffice, that is only checking
once with no waiting time. In most cases a check_screen with a higher timeout
can be replaced by assert_screen
with multiple tags using an ARRAYREF
combination with match_has_tag
or another synchronization call in before,
for example wait_screen_change
or wait_still_screen
Returns matched needle or undef
if timeout is hit. Default timeout is 0s.
Returns true (1) if last matched needle has $tag
, false (0) if last
matched needle does not have $tag
, and undef
if no needle has yet
been matched at the time of the call.
assert_and_click($mustmatch [, timeout => $timeout] [, button => $button] [, clicktime => $clicktime ] [, dclick => 1 ] [, mousehide => 1 ] [, point_id => $id ]);
Wait for needle with $mustmatch
tag to appear on SUT screen. Then click
at the "click_point" position as defined in the needle JSON file,
or - if the JSON has not explicit "click_point" - in the middle of the last
needle area. If $dclick
is set, do double click instead. $mustmatch
be string or ARRAYREF
of strings (['tag1', 'tag2']
). $button
is by
default 'left'
. 'left'
and 'right'
is supported. If $mousehide
true then always move mouse to the 'hidden' position after clicking to prevent
to hide the area where the user wants to assert/click in the second step. If
is specified, the clickpoint used will be the one with a matching
Throws FailedNeedle
exception if $timeout
timeout is hit. Default timeout is 30s.
click_lastmatch([, button => $button] [, clicktime => $clicktime ] [, dclick => 1 ] [, mousehide => 1 ] [, point_id => $id ]);
Click $button
at the "click_point" position as defined in the needle JSON file
of the last matched needle, or - if the JSON has not explicit "click_point" -
in the middle of the last match area. If $dclick
is set, do double click
instead. Supported values for $button
are 'left'
and 'right'
, 'left'
is the default. If $mousehide
is true then always move mouse to the 'hidden'
position after clicking to prevent to disturb the area where the user wants to
assert/click in the second step, otherwise move the mouse back to its previous
position. If $mousehide
is -1 then keep mouse in the place where it clicked.
If $point_id
is specified, the clickpoint used will be the one with a
matching ID.
assert_and_dclick($mustmatch [, timeout => $timeout] [, button => $button] [, clicktime => $clicktime ] [, dclick => 1 ] [, mousehide => 1 ]);
Alias for assert_and_click
with $dclick
wait_screen_change(CODEREF [,$timeout [, similarity_level => 50, no_wait => 0]]);
Wrapper around code that is supposed to change the screen. This is the
opposite to wait_still_screen
. Make sure to put the commands to change the
screen within the block to avoid races between the action and the screen
change. wait_screen_change
waits for a screen change after CODEREF
wait_screen_change { send_key 'esc'; };
Notice: If you use the second parameter, you could get the following warning
Useless use of private variable in void context
To avoid it, use parentheses for the function call and the reserved word 'sub' for the callback subroutine block.
wait_screen_change(sub { send_key 'esc'; }, 15);
To lower the backend’s internal update interval while looking for screen changes, use
the optional parameter no_wait ⇒ 1
. This makes the test execution faster if the
screen change is expected to happen (almost) immediately.
Returns true if screen changed or false on timeout. Default timeout is 10s. Default similarity_level is 50.
assert_screen_change(CODEREF [,$timeout]);
with wait_screen_change
but die
if screen did not change
within timeout. Look into wait_screen_change
for details.
assert_screen_change { send_key 'alt-f4' };
wait_still_screen([$stilltime | [stilltime => $stilltime]] [, $timeout] | [timeout => $timeout]] [, similarity_level => $similarity_level] [, no_wait => $no_wait]);
Wait until the screen stops changing.
See assert_screen
for $no_wait
Returns true if screen is not changed for given $stilltime
(in seconds) or undef on timeout.
Default timeout is 30s, default stilltime is 7s.
Run wait_still_screen
but die
if screen changed within timeout. Look
into wait_still_screen
for details.
test variable access
get_var($variable [, $default ])
Returns content of test variable $variable
or the $default
given as second argument or undef
Similar to get_var
but without default value and throws exception if variable can not be retrieved.
set_var($variable, $value [, reload_needles => 1] );
Set test variable $variable
to value $value
Variables starting with SECRET
or including _PASSWORD
will not appear
in the vars.json
Specify a true value for the reload_needles
flag to trigger a reloading
of needles in the backend and call the cleanup handler with the new variables
to make sure that possibly deselected needles are now taken into account
(useful if you change scenarios during the test run)
check_var($variable, $value);
Returns true if test variable $variable
is equal to $value
or returns undef
get_var_array($variable [, $default ]);
Return the given variable as array reference (split variable value by , | or ; )
check_var_array($variable, $value);
Boolean function to check if a value list contains a value
script execution helpers
Determines if communication with the guest is being performed purely over a serial port. When true, the guest should have a tty attached to a serial port and os-autoinst sends commands to it as text. This differs from when a text console is selected in the guest, but VNC is being used to simulate key presses.
When a serial terminal is selected you will not be able to use functions which rely on needles. This sub is not exported by default as most tests will not benefit from changing their behaviour depending on if communication happens over serial or VNC.
For more info see consoles/ and consoles/
wait_serial($regex or ARRAYREF of $regexes, [, timeout => $timeout] [, expect_not_found => $expect_not_found] [, %args]);
Positional mode (not suggested)
wait_serial($regex or ARRAYREF of $regexes [, $timeout [, $expect_not_found [, @args ]]]);
Wait for $regex
or anyone of $regexes
to appear on serial output.
A regex object has to be created with the qr
Setting $no_regex
will cause it to do a plain string search.
Set $quiet
, to avoid recording serial_result.
For serial_terminal there are more options available, like record_output
. See consoles::serial_screen::read_until
for details.
Returns the string matched or undef
if $expect_not_found
is false
Returns undef
or (after timeout) the string that did _not match_ if
is true. The default timeout is 90 seconds.
wait_serial qr/Password:\s*$/i; wait_serial 'substring', no_regex => 1, timeout => 30;
x11_start_program($program[, @args]);
Start $program
in graphical desktop environment.
The implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
assert_script_run($cmd [, timeout => $timeout] [, fail_message => $fail_message] [,quiet => $quiet]);
Positional mode (not suggested)
assert_script_run($cmd [, $timeout [, $fail_message]]);
Run $cmd
via $distri→script_run
and die
unless it returns zero
(indicating successful completion of $cmd
). Default timeout is 90 seconds.
Use script_run
instead if $cmd
may fail.
is returned in the die message if specified.
The script_run
implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
For this to work correctly, it must return 0 if and only if $command
successfully. It must NOT return 0 if $command
times out. The default implementation
should work on *nix operating systems with a configured serial device.
script_run($cmd [, timeout => $timeout] [, output => ''] [, quiet => $quiet]);
Positional mode (not suggested)
script_run($cmd [, $timeout]);
Run $cmd
(in the default implementation, by assuming the console prompt and typing
the command). If $timeout
is greater than 0, wait for that length of time for
execution to complete.
can be used as an explanatory text that will be displayed with the execution of
the command.
will throw an exception if the timeout has expired.
<Returns> exit code received from $cmd or undef if $timeout
is 0.
The implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
The default implementation should work on *nix operating systems with a configured
serial device so long as the user has permissions to write to the supplied serial
device $serialdev
background_script_run($cmd [, output => ''] [, quiet => $quiet]);
Run $cmd
in background without waiting for it to finish. Remember to redirect output,
otherwise the PID marker may get corrupted.
can be used as an explanatory text that will be displayed with the execution of
the command.
<Returns> PID of the $cmd process running in the background.
The implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
The default implementation should work on *nix operating systems with a configured
serial device so long as the user has permissions to write to the supplied serial
device $serialdev
assert_script_sudo($command [, $wait]);
Run $command
via script_sudo
and then check by wait_serial
if its exit
status is not zero.
See wait_serial
for default timeout.
The implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
Make sure the non-root user has permissions to write to the supplied serial device
script_sudo($program [, $wait]);
Run $program
using sudo. Handle the sudo timeout and send password when appropriate.
defaults to 2 seconds.
The implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
script_output($script [, $wait, type_command => 1, proceed_on_failure => 1] [,quiet => $quiet])
Executing script inside SUT with bash -eox
(in case of serial console with bash -eo
and directs stdout
(not stderr
!) to the serial console and returns
the output if the script exits with 0. Otherwise the test is set to failed.
NOTE: execution result may include extra serial output which was on serial console
since command was triggered in case serial console is not dedicated for
the script output only.
The script content is based on the variable content of current_test_script
and is typed or fetched through HTTP depending on various parameters. Typing
can be forced by passing type_command =
1> for example when the SUT does
not provide a usable network connection.
- allows to proceed with validation when $script
failing (return non-zero exit code)
The default timeout for the script is based on the default in wait_serial
and can be tweaked by setting the $wait
positional parameter.
save_tmp_file($relpath, $content)
Saves content to the file in the worker pool directory using hash of the path, including file, so it can be fetched via http later on using ` <autoinst_url`/files/#path_to_the_file> > url. Can be used to modify files for specific test needs, e.g. autoinst profiles. Dies if cannot open file for writing.
Returns filename of saved file (filename hashed).
Example: save_tmp_file('autoyast/autoinst.xml', '<profile>Test</profile>') Then the file can be fetched using url: ` <autoinst_url`/files/autoyast/autoinst.xml> >
Returns content of the file located in data directory. This method can be used if one needs to modify files content before accessing it in SUT.
Example: get_test_data('autoyast/autoinst.xml') This will return content of the file located in data/autoyast/autoinst.xml
validate_script_output($script, $code | $regexp [, timeout => $timeout] [, quiet => $quiet] [, title => $title] [, fail_message => $fail_message])
Positional mode (not suggested)
validate_script_output($script, $code, [$wait])
Wrapper around script_output, that runs a callback on the output, or alternatively matches a regular expression. Use it as
validate_script_output "cat /etc/hosts", sub { m/127.*localhost/ }; validate_script_output "cat /etc/hosts", qr/127.*localhost/; validate_script_output "cat /etc/hosts", qr/127.*localhost/, title => 'localhost check', fail_message => 'No localhost line in /etc/hosts!'; validate_script_output "cat /etc/hosts", sub { $_ !~ m/987.*somehost/ };
Open a root shell.
The implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
ensure_installed $package;
Helper to install a package to SUT.
The implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
Return a short string representing the given string by passing it through the MD5 algorithm and taking the first characters.
keyboard support
send_key($key [, wait_screen_change => $wait_screen_change]);
Send one $key
to SUT keyboard input. Waits for the screen to change when
is true.
Special characters naming:
'esc', 'down', 'right', 'up', 'left', 'equal', 'spc', 'minus', 'shift', 'ctrl' 'caps', 'meta', 'alt', 'ret', 'tab', 'backspace', 'end', 'delete', 'home', 'insert' 'pgup', 'pgdn', 'sysrq', 'super'
Hold one $key
until release it
Release one $key
which is kept holding
send_key_until_needlematch($tag, $key [, $counter, $timeout]);
Send specific key until needle with $tag
is matched or $counter
is 0.
can be string or ARRAYREF
(['tag1', 'tag2']
Default counter is 20 steps, default timeout is 1s
Throws FailedNeedle
exception if needle is not matched until $counter
is 0.
type_string($string [, max_interval => <num> ] [, wait_screen_change => <num> ] [, wait_still_screen => <num> ] [, secret => 1 ] [, timeout => <num>] [, similarity_level => <num>] [, lf => 1 ]);
send a string of characters, mapping them to appropriate key names as necessary
you can pass optional parameters with following keys:
max_interval (1-250)
determines the typing speed, the lower the
the slower the typing.
if set, type only this many characters at a time
and wait for the screen to change between sets.
if set, wait_still_screen
returns true if screen is not
changed for given $wait_still_screen
seconds or false if the screen is not still
for the given seconds within defined timeout
after the whole string is typed.
Default timeout is 30s, default stilltime is 0s.
can be passed as argument for wrapped wait_still_screen
secret (bool)
suppresses logging of the actual string typed.
lf (bool)
finishes the string with an additional line feed, for example to
enter a command line.
type_password($password [, max_interval => <num> ] [, wait_screen_change => <num> ] [, wait_still_screen => <num> ] [, timeout => <num>] [, similarity_level => <num>] );
A convenience wrapper around type_string
, which doesn’t log the string.
Uses $testapi::password
if no string is given.
You can pass the same optional parameters as for type_string
enter_cmd($string [, max_interval => <num> ] [, wait_screen_change => <num> ] [, wait_still_screen => <num> ] [, secret => 1 ] [, timeout => <num>] [, similarity_level => <num>] );
A convenience wrapper around type_string
, that adds a linefeed to execute a
command within a command line prompt.
You can pass the same optional parameters as for type_string
mouse support
mouse_set($x, $y);
Move mouse pointer to given coordinates
mouse_click([$button, $hold_time]);
Click mouse $button
. Can be 'left'
or 'right'
. Set $hold_time
to hold button for set time in seconds.
Default hold time is 0.15s
mouse_dclick([$button, $hold_time]);
Same as mouse_click only for double click.
mouse_tclick([$button, $hold_time]);
Same as mouse_click only for triple click.
Hide mouse cursor by moving it out of screen area.
mouse_drag([$startpoint, $endpoint, $startx, $starty, $endx, $endy, $button, $timeout]);
Click mouse $button
, 'left'
or 'right'
, at a given location, hold the button and drag
the mouse to another location where the button is released. You can set the $startpoint
and $endpoint
by passing the name of the needle tag, i.e. the mouse drag happens between
the two needle areas. Alternatively, you can set all the coordinates explicitly with $startx
, $endx
, and $endy
. You can also set one point using a needle and another one
using coordinates. If both the coordinates and the needle are provided, the coordinates
will be used to set up the locations and the needle location will be overridden.
multi console support
All testapi
commands that interact with the system under test do that
through a console. send_key
, type_string
type into a console.
'looks' at a console, assert_and_click
looks at
and clicks on a console.
Most backends support several consoles in some way. These consoles then have names as defined by the backend.
Consoles can be selected for interaction with the system under test. One of them is 'selected' by default, as defined by the backend.
There are no consoles predefined by default, the distribution has to add them during initial setup and define actions on what should happen when they are selected first by the tests.
E.g. your distribution can give e.g. tty2
and tty4
a name for the
tests to select
$self->add_console('root-console', 'tty-console', {tty => 2}); $self->add_console('user-console', 'tty-console', {tty => 4});
add_console("console", "console type" [, optional console parameters...])
You need to do this in your distribution and not in tests. It will not trigger any action on the system under test, but only store the parameters.
The console parameters are console specific. Parameter persistent
console reset and console is persistent during the test execution.
The implementation is distribution specific and not always available.
select_console($console [, @args]);
Select the named console for further testapi
interaction (send_text,
send_key, wait_screen_change, …)
If this the first time, a test selects this console, the distribution
will get a call into activate_console('root-console', $console_obj, @args) to
make sure to actually log in root. For the backend it’s just a tty
object (in this example) - so it will ensure the console is active,
but to setup the root shell on this console, the distribution needs
to run test code.
After the console selection the distribution callback
$distri-`console_selected> is called with `@args
Some consoles have special commands beyond type_string
, assert_screen
Such commands can be accessed using this API.
, console("errorlog")
, … returns a proxy
object for the specific console which can then be directly accessed.
This is also useful for typing/interacting 'in the background', without turning the video away from the currently selected console.
Note: assert_screen()
and friends look at the currently selected
console (select_console), no matter which console you send commands to
will make sure the next select_console will activate the console. This is important if you did something to the system that affects the console (e.g. trigger reboot).
Return the currently selected console, a call when no console is selected, will
return undef
audio support
Tells the backend to record a .wav
file of the sound card.
Only supported by qemu backend.
Tells the backend to record a .wav
file of the sound card and asserts if it matches
expected audio. Comparison is performed after conversion to the image.
Only supported by QEMU backend.
Tells the backend to record a .wav
file of the sound card and checks if it matches
expected audio. Comparison is performed after conversion to the image.
Only supported by QEMU backend.
Trigger backend specific power action, can be 'on'
, 'off'
, 'acpi'
or 'reset'
Periodically check backend for status until 'shutdown'
. Does not initiate shutdown.
Returns true on success and false if $timeout
timeout is hit. Default timeout is 60s.
Periodically check backend for status until 'shutdown'
. Does not initiate shutdown.
Returns undef
on success, marks the test as failed and throws exception
if $timeout
timeout is hit. Default timeout is 60s.
if backend supports it, eject the CD
switch_network network_enabled => $boolean, [network_link_name => $string];
Changes network device’s state akin to disconnecting the physical cable, default network is qanet0.
This method is fatal in case the network device doesn’t exist.
save_memory_dump(filename => undef);
Saves the SUT memory state using $filename
as base for the memory dump
filename, the default will be the current test’s name.
This method must be called within a post_fail_hook.
Currently only qemu backend is supported.
save_storage(filename => undef);
Saves all of the SUT volumes using $filename
as part of the final filename,
the default will be the current test’s name.
Currently only qemu backend is supported.
If the backend supports it, freeze the virtual machine. This will allow the
virtual machine to be paused/frozen within the test, it is recommended to call
this within a post_fail_hook
so that memory and disk dumps can be extracted
without any risk of data changing, or in rare cases call it before the tests
tests have already begun, to avoid unexpected behaviour.
Currently only qemu backend is supported.
If the backend supports it, resume the virtual machine. Call this method to start virtual machine CPU explicitly if DELAYED_START is set.
Currently only qemu backend is supported.
Upload log file from SUT (calls upload_logs internally). The uploaded file is then parsed as jUnit format and extra test results are created from it.
parse_extra_log( Format => "report.xml" );
Upload log file from SUT (calls upload_logs internally). The uploaded file is then parsed as the format supplied, that can be understood by OpenQA::Parser and extra test results are created from it.
Formats currently supported are: JUnit, XUnit, LTP, IPA, TAP
log and data upload and download helpers
diag('important message');
Write a diagnostic message to the logfile. In color, if possible.
Return VM’s host IP. In a kvm instance you reach the VM’s host under default
Optional named parameter inside_sut
in $args
will force using actual
worker IP/hostname even on KVM guests if set to 0.
In case of non-qemu tries to return a sane default if the test variable
was not specified.
autoinst_url([$path, $query, $args]);
Returns the base URL to contact the local os-autoinst
Optional $path
argument is appended after base URL.
Optional HASHREF $query
is converted to URL query and appended
after path.
Optional named parameter inside_sut
in $args
will force using actual worker IP/hostname
even on KVM guests if set to 0.
Returns a URL that can be used like this:
script_run("curl " . autoinst_url . "/data");
This function can be used to download ISO, HDD and other assets from the isotovideo working directory into the SUT. Note that the openQA worker does not synchronize repository assets there so those assets cannot be downloaded via the autoinst URL when the openQA worker is used.
returns the URL to download data or asset file Special values REPO_\d and ASSET_\d points to the asset configured in the corresponding variable
upload_logs($file [, failok => 0, timeout => 90, log_name => "custom_name.log" ]);
Upload $file
to OpenQA WebUI as a log file and
return the uploaded file name. If failok is not set, a failed upload or
timeout will cause the test to die. Failed uploads happen if the file does not
exist or is over 20 GiB in size, so failok is useful when you just want
to upload the file if it exists but not mind if it doesn’t. Default
timeout is 90s. log_name
parameter allow to control resulted job’s attachment name.
upload_asset $file [,$public[,$nocheck]];
Uploads $file
as asset to OpenQA WebUI
You can upload private assets only accessible by related jobs:
upload_asset '/tmp/';
Or you can upload public assets that will have a fixed filename replacing previous assets - useful for external users:
upload_asset '/tmp/', 1;
If you just want to upload a file and verify that it was uploaded
correctly on your own (e.g. in svirt console we don’t have a serial
line and can’t rely on assert_script_run check), add an optional
upload_asset '/tmp/', 1, 1;
Helper function to create backward compatible function arguments when moving from positional arguments to named one.
compat_args( $hash_ref_defaults, $arrayref_old_fixed, [ $arg1, $arg2, ...])
A typical call would look like:
my %args = compat_args({timeout => 60, .. }, ['timeout'], @_);
Helper function to alter the curl command to show progress meter. Progress meter is shown only when the server output is redirected. This works only when uploading where the output is not lately used.
show_curl_progress_meter( $cmd )
A typical call would look like:
$cmd .= show_curl_progress_meter($cmd);
Function to query the backend if it has the known bug from which is that typing too fast into
the here-document input can yield invalid script content.
This function returns the value to be used by wait_still_screen
starting to write the script into the here document.